Source code for pydash.numerical

"""Numerical/mathemetical related functions.

.. versionadded:: 2.1.0

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import math

import pydash as pyd
from .helpers import itercallback, iterator
from ._compat import _range

__all__ = (

INFINITY = float('inf')

[docs]def add(collection, callback=None): """Sum each element in `collection`. If callback is passed, each element of `collection` is passed through a callback before the summation is computed. Args: collection (list|dict): Collection to process. callback (mixed, optional): Callback applied per iteration. Returns: number: Result of summation. See Also: - :func:`add` (main definition) - :func:`sum_` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return sum(result[0] for result in itercallback(collection, callback))
sum_ = add
[docs]def average(collection, callback=None): """Calculate arithmetic mean of each element in `collection`. If callback is passed, each element of `collection` is passed through a callback before the mean is computed. Args: collection (list|dict): Collection to process. callback (mixed, optional): Callback applied per iteration. Returns: float: Result of mean. See Also: - :func:`average` (main definition) - :func:`avg` (alias) - :func:`mean` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return add(collection, callback) / pyd.size(collection)
avg = average mean = average
[docs]def median(collection, callback=None): """Calculate median of each element in `collection`. If callback is passed, each element of `collection` is passed through a callback before the median is computed. Args: collection (list|dict): Collection to process. callback (mixed, optional): Callback applied per iteration. Returns: float: Result of median. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ length = len(collection) middle = (length + 1) / 2 collection = [ret[0] for ret in itercallback(sorted(collection), callback)] if pyd.is_odd(length): result = collection[int(middle - 1)] else: left = int(middle - 1.5) right = int(middle - 0.5) result = (collection[left] + collection[right]) / 2 return result
[docs]def moving_average(array, size): """Calculate moving average of each element of `array`. If callback is passed, each element of `array` is passed through a callback before the moving average is computed. Args: array (list): List to process. size (int): Window size. Returns: list: Result of moving average. See Also: - :func:`moving_averge` (main definition) - :func:`moving_avg` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ result = [] size = int(size) for i in _range(size - 1, len(array) + 1): window = array[i - size:i] if len(window) == size: result.append(average(window)) return result
moving_avg = moving_average
[docs]def power(x, n): """Calculate exponentiation of `x` raised to the `n` power. Args: x (number): Base number. n (number): Exponent. Returns: number: Result of calculation. See Also: - :func:`power` (main definition) - :func:`pow_` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ if pyd.is_number(x): result = pow(x, n) elif pyd.is_list(x): result = pyd.map_(x, lambda item: pow(item, n)) else: result = None return result
pow_ = power
[docs]def round_(x, precision=0): """Round number to precision. Args: x (number): Number to round. precision (int, optional): Rounding precision. Defaults to ``0``. Returns: int: Rounded number. See Also: - :func:`round_` (main definition) - :func:`curve` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ rounder = pyd.partial_right(round, precision) if pyd.is_number(x): result = rounder(x) elif pyd.is_list(x): # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda result = pyd.map_(x, lambda item: rounder(item)) else: result = None return result
curve = round_
[docs]def scale(array, maximum=1): """Scale list of value to a maximum number. Args: array (list): Numbers to scale. maximum (number): Maximum scale value. Returns: list: Scaled numbers. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ array_max = max(array) return pyd.map_(array, lambda item: item * (maximum / array_max))
[docs]def slope(point1, point2): """Calculate the slope between two points. Args: point1 (list|tuple): X and Y coordinates of first point. point2 (list|tuple): X and Y cooredinates of second point. Returns: float: Calculated slope. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ x1, y1 = point1[0], point1[1] x2, y2 = point2[0], point2[1] if x1 == x2: result = INFINITY else: result = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) return result
[docs]def std_deviation(array): """Calculate standard deviation of list of numbers. Args: array (list): List to process. Returns: float: Calculated standard deviation. See Also: - :func:`std_deviation` (main definition) - :func:`sigma` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ return math.sqrt(variance(array))
sigma = std_deviation
[docs]def transpose(array): """Transpose the elements of `array`. Args: array (list): List to process. Returns: list: Transposed list. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ trans = [] for y, row in iterator(array): for x, col in iterator(row): trans = pyd.set_path(trans, col, [x, y]) return trans
[docs]def variance(array): """Calculate the variance of the elements in `array`. Args: array (list): List to process. Returns: float: Calculated variance. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ ave = average(array) var = lambda x: power(x - ave, 2) return pyd._(array).map_(var).average().value()
[docs]def zscore(collection, callback=None): """Calculate the standard score assuming normal distribution. If callback is passed, each element of `collection` is passed through a callback before the standard score is computed. Args: collection (list|dict): Collection to process. callback (mixed, optional): Callback applied per iteration. Returns: float: Calculated standard score. .. versionadded:: 2.1.0 """ array = pyd.map_(collection, callback) ave = average(array) sig = sigma(array) return pyd.map_(array, lambda item: (item - ave) / sig)