Source code for pydash.strings

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""String functions.

.. versionadded:: 1.1.0

import math
import re
import unicodedata

import pydash as pyd
from .helpers import NoValue
from ._compat import (

__all__ = (

    '&': '&',
    '<': '&lt;',
    '>': '&gt;',
    '"': '&quot;',
    "'": '&#39;',
    '`': '&#96;'

    '\xC0': 'A',
    '\xC1': 'A',
    '\xC2': 'A',
    '\xC3': 'A',
    '\xC4': 'A',
    '\xC5': 'A',
    '\xE0': 'a',
    '\xE1': 'a',
    '\xE2': 'a',
    '\xE3': 'a',
    '\xE4': 'a',
    '\xE5': 'a',
    '\xC7': 'C',
    '\xE7': 'c',
    '\xD0': 'D',
    '\xF0': 'd',
    '\xC8': 'E',
    '\xC9': 'E',
    '\xCA': 'E',
    '\xCB': 'E',
    '\xE8': 'e',
    '\xE9': 'e',
    '\xEA': 'e',
    '\xEB': 'e',
    '\xCC': 'I',
    '\xCD': 'I',
    '\xCE': 'I',
    '\xCF': 'I',
    '\xEC': 'i',
    '\xED': 'i',
    '\xEE': 'i',
    '\xEF': 'i',
    '\xD1': 'N',
    '\xF1': 'n',
    '\xD2': 'O',
    '\xD3': 'O',
    '\xD4': 'O',
    '\xD5': 'O',
    '\xD6': 'O',
    '\xD8': 'O',
    '\xF2': 'o',
    '\xF3': 'o',
    '\xF4': 'o',
    '\xF5': 'o',
    '\xF6': 'o',
    '\xF8': 'o',
    '\xD9': 'U',
    '\xDA': 'U',
    '\xDB': 'U',
    '\xDC': 'U',
    '\xF9': 'u',
    '\xFA': 'u',
    '\xFB': 'u',
    '\xFC': 'u',
    '\xDD': 'Y',
    '\xFD': 'y',
    '\xFF': 'y',
    '\xC6': 'Ae',
    '\xE6': 'ae',
    '\xDE': 'Th',
    '\xFE': 'th',
    '\xDF': 'ss',
    '\xD7': ' ',
    '\xF7': ' '

# Use Javascript style regex to make Lo-Dash compatibility easier.
UPPER = '[A-Z\\xC0-\\xD6\\xD8-\\xDE]'
LOWER = '[a-z\\xDf-\\xF6\\xF8-\\xFF]+'
RE_WORDS = ('/{upper}+(?={upper}{lower})|{upper}?{lower}|{upper}+|[0-9]+/g'
            .format(upper=UPPER, lower=LOWER))
RE_LATIN1 = '/[\xC0-\xFF]/g'

[docs]def camel_case(text): """Converts `text` to camel case. Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to camel case. Example: >>> camel_case('FOO BAR_bAz') 'fooBarBAz' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ text = ''.join(word.title() for word in words(text)) return text[:1].lower() + text[1:]
[docs]def capitalize(text, strict=True): """Capitalizes the first character of `text`. Args: text (str): String to capitalize. strict (bool, optional): Whether to cast rest of string to lower case. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: str: Capitalized string. Example: >>> capitalize('once upon a TIME') 'Once upon a time' >>> capitalize('once upon a TIME', False) 'Once upon a TIME' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Added `strict` option. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return (text.capitalize() if strict else text[:1].upper() + text[1:])
[docs]def chars(text): """Split `text` into a list of single characters. Args: text (str): String to split up. Returns: list: List of individual characters. Example: >>> chars('onetwo') ['o', 'n', 'e', 't', 'w', 'o'] .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return list(text)
[docs]def chop(text, step): """Break up `text` into intervals of length `step`. Args: text (str): String to chop. step (int): Interval to chop `text`. Returns: list: List of chopped characters. If `text` is `None` an empty list is returned. Example: >>> chop('abcdefg', 3) ['abc', 'def', 'g'] .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ if text is None: return [] text = pyd.to_string(text) if step <= 0: chopped = [text] else: chopped = [text[i:i + step] for i in _range(0, len(text), step)] return chopped
[docs]def chop_right(text, step): """Like :func:`chop` except `text` is chopped from right. Args: text (str): String to chop. step (int): Interval to chop `text`. Returns: list: List of chopped characters. Example: >>> chop_right('abcdefg', 3) ['a', 'bcd', 'efg'] .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ if text is None: return [] text = pyd.to_string(text) if step <= 0: chopped = [text] else: text_len = len(text) chopped = [text[-(i + step):text_len - i] for i in _range(0, text_len, step)][::-1] return chopped
[docs]def clean(text): """Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space. Args: text (str): String to clean. Returns: str: Cleaned string. Example: >>> clean('a b c d') 'a b c d' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return ' '.join(pyd.compact(text.split()))
[docs]def count_substr(text, subtext): """Count the occurrences of `subtext` in `text`. Args: text (str): Source string to count from. subtext (str): String to count. Returns: int: Number of occurrences of `subtext` in `text`. Example: >>> count_substr('aabbccddaabbccdd', 'bc') 2 .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ if text is None or subtext is None: return 0 text = pyd.to_string(text) subtext = pyd.to_string(subtext) return text.count(subtext)
[docs]def deburr(text): """Deburrs `text` by converting latin-1 supplementary letters to basic latin letters. Args: text (str): String to deburr. Returns: str: Deburred string. Example: >>> deburr('déjà vu') '... >>> 'deja vu' 'deja vu' .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return js_replace(text, RE_LATIN1, lambda match: DEBURRED_LETTERS.get(,
[docs]def decapitalize(text): """Decaptitalizes the first character of `text`. Args: text (str): String to decapitalize. Returns: str: Decapitalized string. Example: >>> decapitalize('FOO BAR') 'fOO BAR' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text[:1].lower() + text[1:]
[docs]def ends_with(text, target, position=None): """Checks if `text` ends with a given target string. Args: text (str): String to check. target (str): String to check for. position (int, optional): Position to search from. Defaults to end of `text`. Returns: bool: Whether `text` ends with `target`. Example: >>> ends_with('abc def', 'def') True >>> ends_with('abc def', 4) False .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ target = pyd.to_string(target) text = pyd.to_string(text) if position is None: position = len(text) return text[:position].endswith(target)
[docs]def ensure_ends_with(text, suffix): """Append a given suffix to a string, but only if the source string does not end with that suffix. Args: text (str): Source string to append `suffix` to. suffix (str): String to append to the source string if the source string does not end with `suffix`. Returns: str: source string possibly extended by `suffix`. Example: >>> ensure_ends_with('foo bar', '!') 'foo bar!' >>> ensure_ends_with('foo bar!', '!') 'foo bar!' .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) suffix = pyd.to_string(suffix) return text if text.endswith(suffix) else '{0}{1}'.format(text, suffix)
[docs]def ensure_starts_with(text, prefix): """Prepend a given prefix to a string, but only if the source string does not start with that prefix. Args: text (str): Source string to prepend `prefix` to. suffix (str): String to prepend to the source string if the source string does not start with `prefix`. Returns: str: source string possibly prefixed by `prefix` Example: >>> ensure_starts_with('foo bar', 'Oh my! ') 'Oh my! foo bar' >>> ensure_starts_with('Oh my! foo bar', 'Oh my! ') 'Oh my! foo bar' .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) prefix = pyd.to_string(prefix) return text if text.startswith(prefix) else '{1}{0}'.format(text, prefix)
[docs]def escape(text): r"""Converts the characters ``&``, ``<``, ``>``, ``"``, ``'``, and ``\``` in `text` to their corresponding HTML entities. Args: text (str): String to escape. Returns: str: HTML escaped string. Example: >>> escape('"1 > 2 && 3 < 4"') '&quot;1 &gt; 2 &amp;&amp; 3 &lt; 4&quot;' .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Moved function to :mod:`pydash.strings`. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) # NOTE: Not using _compat.html_escape because Lo-Dash escapes certain chars # differently (e.g. "'" isn't escaped by html_escape() but is by Lo-Dash). return ''.join(HTML_ESCAPES.get(char, char) for char in text)
[docs]def escape_reg_exp(text): """Escapes the RegExp special characters in `text`. Args: text (str): String to escape. Returns: str: RegExp escaped string. Example: >>> escape_reg_exp('[()]') '\\\\[\\\\(\\\\)\\\\]' See Also: - :func:`escape_reg_exp` (main definition) - :func:`escape_re` (alias) .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return re.escape(text)
escape_re = escape_reg_exp
[docs]def has_substr(text, subtext): """Returns whether `subtext` is included in `text`. Args: text (str): String to search. subtext (str): String to search for. Returns: bool: Whether `subtext` is found in `text`. Example: >>> has_substr('abcdef', 'bc') True >>> has_substr('abcdef', 'bb') False .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) subtext = pyd.to_string(subtext) return text.find(subtext) >= 0
[docs]def human_case(text): """Converts `text` to human case which has only the first letter capitalized and each word separated by a space. Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to human case. Example: >>> human_case('abc-def_hij lmn') 'Abc def hij lmn' >>> human_case('user_id') 'User' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ return (pyd.chain(text) .snake_case() .re_replace('_id$', '') .replace('_', ' ') .capitalize() .value())
[docs]def insert_substr(text, index, subtext): """Insert `subtext` in `text` starting at position `index`. Args: text (str): String to add substring to. index (int): String index to insert into. subtext (str): String to insert. Returns: str: Modified string. Example: >>> insert_substr('abcdef', 3, '--') 'abc--def' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) subtext = pyd.to_string(subtext) return text[:index] + subtext + text[index:]
[docs]def join(array, separator=''): """Joins an iterable into a string using `separator` between each element. Args: array (iterable): Iterable to implode. separator (str, optional): Separator to using when joining. Defaults to ``''``. Returns: str: Joined string. Example: >>> join(['a', 'b', 'c']) == 'abc' True >>> join([1, 2, 3, 4], '&') == '1&2&3&4' True >>> join('abcdef', '-') == 'a-b-c-d-e-f' True See Also: - :func:`join` (main definition) - :func:`implode` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Modified :func:`implode` to have :func:`join` as main definition and :func:`implode` as alias. """ return pyd.to_string(separator).join(pyd.map_(array or (), pyd.to_string))
implode = join
[docs]def js_match(text, reg_exp): """Return list of matches using Javascript style regular expression. Args: text (str): String to evaluate. reg_exp (str): Javascript style regular expression. Returns: list: List of matches. Example: >>> js_match('aaBBcc', '/bb/') [] >>> js_match('aaBBcc', '/bb/i') ['BB'] >>> js_match('aaBBccbb', '/bb/i') ['BB'] >>> js_match('aaBBccbb', '/bb/gi') ['BB', 'bb'] .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Reordered arguments to make `text` first. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return js_to_py_re_find(reg_exp)(text)
[docs]def js_replace(text, reg_exp, repl): """Replace `text` with `repl` using Javascript style regular expression to find matches. Args: text (str): String to evaluate. reg_exp (str): Javascript style regular expression. repl (str): Replacement string. Returns: str: Modified string. Example: >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/', 'X') 'aaBBcc' >>> js_replace('aaBBcc', '/bb/i', 'X') 'aaXcc' >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/i', 'X') 'aaXccbb' >>> js_replace('aaBBccbb', '/bb/gi', 'X') 'aaXccX' .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Reordered arguments to make `text` first. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) if not pyd.is_function(repl): repl = pyd.to_string(repl) return js_to_py_re_replace(reg_exp)(text, repl)
[docs]def kebab_case(text): """Converts `text` to kebab case (a.k.a. spinal case). Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to kebab case. Example: >>> kebab_case('a b c_d-e!f') 'a-b-c-d-e-f' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ return separator_case(text, '-')
[docs]def lines(text): r"""Split lines in `text` into an array. Args: text (str): String to split. Returns: list: String split by lines. Example: >>> lines('a\nb\r\nc') ['a', 'b', 'c'] .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.splitlines()
[docs]def number_format(number, scale=0, decimal_separator='.', order_separator=','): """Format a number to scale with custom decimal and order separators. Args: number (int|float): Number to format. scale (int, optional): Number of decimals to include. Defaults to ``0``. decimal_separator (str, optional): Decimal separator to use. Defaults to ``'.'``. order_separator (str, optional): Order separator to use. Defaults to ``','``. Returns: str: Formatted number as string. Example: >>> number_format(1234.5678) '1,235' >>> number_format(1234.5678, 2, ',', '.') '1.234,57' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ # Create a string formatter which converts number to the appropriately # scaled representation. fmt = '{{0:.{0:d}f}}'.format(scale) try: num_parts = fmt.format(number).split('.') except ValueError: text = '' else: int_part = num_parts[0] dec_part = (num_parts + [''])[1] # Reverse the integer part, chop it into groups of 3, join on # `order_separator`, and then unreverse the string. int_part = order_separator.join(chop(int_part[::-1], 3))[::-1] text = decimal_separator.join(pyd.compact([int_part, dec_part])) return text
[docs]def pad(text, length, chars=' '): """Pads `text` on the left and right sides if it is shorter than the given padding length. The `chars` string may be truncated if the number of padding characters can't be evenly divided by the padding length. Args: text (str): String to pad. length (int): Amount to pad. chars (str, optional): Characters to pad with. Defaults to ``" "``. Returns: str: Padded string. Example: >>> pad('abc', 5) ' abc ' >>> pad('abc', 6, 'x') 'xabcxx' >>> pad('abc', 5, '...') '.abc.' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Fix handling of multiple `chars` so that padded string isn't over padded. """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) text_len = len(text) if text_len >= length: return text mid = (length - text_len) / 2.0 left_len = int(math.floor(mid)) right_len = int(math.ceil(mid)) chars = pad_right('', right_len, chars) return chars[:left_len] + text + chars
[docs]def pad_left(text, length, chars=' '): """Pads `text` on the left side if it is shorter than the given padding length. The `chars` string may be truncated if the number of padding characters can't be evenly divided by the padding length. Args: text (str): String to pad. length (int): Amount to pad. chars (str, optional): Characters to pad with. Defaults to ``" "``. Returns: str: Padded string. Example: >>> pad_left('abc', 5) ' abc' >>> pad_left('abc', 5, '.') '' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) length = max((length, len(text))) return (repeat(chars, length) + text)[-length:]
[docs]def pad_right(text, length, chars=' '): """Pads `text` on the right side if it is shorter than the given padding length. The `chars` string may be truncated if the number of padding characters can't be evenly divided by the padding length. Args: text (str): String to pad. length (int): Amount to pad. chars (str, optional): Characters to pad with. Defaults to ``" "``. Returns: str: Padded string. Example: >>> pad_right('abc', 5) 'abc ' >>> pad_right('abc', 5, '.') 'abc..' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) length = max((length, len(text))) return (text + repeat(chars, length))[:length]
[docs]def pascal_case(text, strict=True): """Like :func:`camel_case` except the first letter is capitalized. Args: text (str): String to convert. strict (bool, optional): Whether to cast rest of string to lower case. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: str: String converted to class case. Example: >>> pascal_case('FOO BAR_bAz') 'FooBarBaz' >>> pascal_case('FOO BAR_bAz', False) 'FooBarBAz' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) if strict: text = text.lower() return capitalize(camel_case(text), strict=False)
[docs]def predecessor(char): """Return the predecessor character of `char`. Args: char (str): Character to find the predecessor of. Returns: str: Predecessor character. Example: >>> predecessor('c') 'b' >>> predecessor('C') 'B' >>> predecessor('3') '2' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ char = pyd.to_string(char) return chr(ord(char) - 1)
[docs]def prune(text, length=0, omission='...'): """Like :func:`truncate` except it ensures that the pruned string doesn't exceed the original length, i.e., it avoids half-chopped words when truncating. If the pruned text + `omission` text is longer than the original text, then the original text is returned. Args: text (str): String to prune. length (int, optional): Target prune length. Defaults to ``0``. omission (str, optional): Omission text to append to the end of the pruned string. Defaults to ``'...'``. Returns: str: Pruned string. Example: >>> prune('Fe fi fo fum', 5) 'Fe fi...' >>> prune('Fe fi fo fum', 6) 'Fe fi...' >>> prune('Fe fi fo fum', 7) 'Fe fi...' >>> prune('Fe fi fo fum', 8, ',,,') 'Fe fi fo,,,' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) text_len = len(text) omission_len = len(omission) if text_len <= length: return text # Replace non-alphanumeric chars with whitespace. def repl(match): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring char = return ' ' if char.upper() == char.lower() else char subtext = re_replace(text[:length + 1], r'.(?=\W*\w*$)', repl) if re.match(r'\w\w', subtext[-2:]): # Last two characters are alphanumeric. Remove last "word" from end of # string so that we prune to the next whole word. subtext = re_replace(subtext, r'\s*\S+$', '') else: # Last character (at least) is whitespace. So remove that character as # well as any other whitespace. subtext = subtext[:-1].rstrip() subtext_len = len(subtext) # Only add omission text if doing so will result in a string that is # equal two or smaller in length than the original. if (subtext_len + omission_len) <= text_len: text = text[:subtext_len] + omission return text
[docs]def quote(text, quote_char='"'): """Quote a string with another string. Args: text (str): String to be quoted. quote_char (str, optional): the quote character. Defaults to ``"``. Returns: str: the quoted string. Example: >>> quote('To be or not to be') '"To be or not to be"' >>> quote('To be or not to be', "'") "'To be or not to be'" .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 """ return surround(text, quote_char)
[docs]def re_replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=False, count=0): """Replace occurrences of regex `pattern` with `repl` in `text`. Optionally, ignore case when replacing. Optionally, set `count` to limit number of replacements. Args: text (str): String to replace. pattern (str): String pattern to find and replace. repl (str): String to substitute `pattern` with. ignore_clase (bool, optional): Whether to ignore case when replacing. Defaults to ``False``. count (int, optional): Maximum number of occurrences to replace. Defaults to ``0`` which replaces all. Returns: str: Replaced string. Example: >>> re_replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X') 'aaXXcc' >>> re_replace('aabbcc', 'B', 'X', ignore_case=True) 'aaXXcc' >>> re_replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X', count=1) 'aaXbcc' >>> re_replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X') 'XXXXcc' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ if pattern is None: return pyd.to_string(text) return replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=ignore_case, count=count, escape=False)
[docs]def repeat(text, n=0): """Repeats the given string `n` times. Args: text (str): String to repeat. n (int, optional): Number of times to repeat the string. Returns: str: Repeated string. Example: >>> repeat('.', 5) '.....' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ return pyd.to_string(text) * int(n)
[docs]def replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=False, count=0, escape=True): """Replace occurrences of `pattern` with `repl` in `text`. Optionally, ignore case when replacing. Optionally, set `count` to limit number of replacements. Args: text (str): String to replace. pattern (str): String pattern to find and replace. repl (str): String to substitute `pattern` with. ignore_clase (bool, optional): Whether to ignore case when replacing. Defaults to ``False``. count (int, optional): Maximum number of occurrences to replace. Defaults to ``0`` which replaces all. escape (bool, optional): Whether to escape `pattern` when searching. This is needed if a literal replacement is desired when `pattern` may contain special regular expression characters. Defaults to ``True``. Returns: str: Replaced string. Example: >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X') 'aaXXcc' >>> replace('aabbcc', 'B', 'X', ignore_case=True) 'aaXXcc' >>> replace('aabbcc', 'b', 'X', count=1) 'aaXbcc' >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X') 'aabbcc' >>> replace('aabbcc', '[ab]', 'X', escape=False) 'XXXXcc' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) if pattern is None: return text pattern = pyd.to_string(pattern) if escape: pattern = re.escape(pattern) if not pyd.is_function(repl): repl = pyd.to_string(repl) flags = re.IGNORECASE if ignore_case else 0 # NOTE: Can't use `flags` argument to re.sub in Python 2.6 so have to use # this version instead. return re.compile(pattern, flags=flags).sub(repl, text, count=count)
[docs]def separator_case(text, separator): """Splits `text` on words and joins with `separator`. Args: text (str): String to convert. separator (str): Separator to join words with. Returns: str: Converted string. Example: >>> separator_case('a!!b___c.d', '-') 'a-b-c-d' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ return separator.join(word.lower() for word in words(text) if word)
[docs]def series_phrase(items, separator=', ', last_separator=' and ', serial=False): """Join items into a grammatical series phrase, e.g., ``"item1, item2, item3 and item4"``. Args: items (list): List of string items to join. separator (str, optional): Item separator. Defaults to ``', '``. last_separator (str, optional): Last item separator. Defaults to ``' and '``. serial (bool, optional): Whether to include `separator` with `last_separator` when number of items is greater than 2. Defaults to ``False``. Returns: str: Joined string. Example: Example: >>> series_phrase(['apples', 'bananas', 'peaches']) 'apples, bananas and peaches' >>> series_phrase(['apples', 'bananas', 'peaches'], serial=True) 'apples, bananas, and peaches' >>> series_phrase(['apples', 'bananas', 'peaches'], '; ', ', or ') 'apples; bananas, or peaches' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ items = pyd.chain(items).map(pyd.to_string).compact().value() item_count = len(items) separator = pyd.to_string(separator) last_separator = pyd.to_string(last_separator) if item_count > 2 and serial: last_separator = separator.rstrip() + last_separator if item_count >= 2: items = items[:-2] + [last_separator.join(items[-2:])] return separator.join(items)
[docs]def series_phrase_serial(items, separator=', ', last_separator=' and '): """Join items into a grammatical series phrase using a serial separator, e.g., ``"item1, item2, item3, and item4"``. Args: items (list): List of string items to join. separator (str, optional): Item separator. Defaults to ``', '``. last_separator (str, optional): Last item separator. Defaults to ``' and '``. Returns: str: Joined string. Example: >>> series_phrase_serial(['apples', 'bananas', 'peaches']) 'apples, bananas, and peaches' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ return series_phrase(items, separator, last_separator, serial=True)
[docs]def slugify(text, separator='-'): """Convert `text` into an ASCII slug which can be used safely in URLs. Incoming `text` is converted to unicode and noramlzied using the ``NFKD`` form. This results in some accented characters being converted to their ASCII "equivalent" (e.g. ``é`` is converted to ``e``). Leading and trailing whitespace is trimmed and any remaining whitespace or other special characters without an ASCII equivalent are replaced with ``-``. Args: text (str): String to slugify. separator (str, optional): Separator to use. Defaults to ``'-'``. Returns: str: Slugified string. Example: >>> slugify('This is a slug.') == 'this-is-a-slug' True >>> slugify('This is a slug.', '+') == 'this+is+a+slug' True .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ normalized = (unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', text_type(pyd.to_string(text))) .encode('ascii', 'ignore') .decode('utf8')) return separator_case(normalized, separator)
[docs]def snake_case(text): """Converts `text` to snake case. Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to snake case. Example: >>> snake_case('This is Snake Case!') 'this_is_snake_case' See Also: - :func:`snake_case` (main definition) - :func:`underscore_case` (alias) .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ return separator_case(text, '_')
underscore_case = snake_case
[docs]def split(text, separator=NoValue): """Splits `text` on `separator`. If `separator` not provided, then `text` is split on whitespace. If `separator` is falsey, then `text` is split on every character. Args: text (str): String to explode. separator (str, optional): Separator string to split on. Defaults to ``NoValue``. Returns: list: Split string. Example: >>> split('one potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four!') ['one', 'potato,', 'two', 'potatoes,', 'three', 'potatoes,', 'four!'] >>> split('one potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four!', ',') ['one potato', ' two potatoes', ' three potatoes', ' four!'] See Also: - :func:`split` (main definition) - :func:`explode` (alias) .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Changed `separator` default to ``NoValue`` and supported splitting on whitespace by default. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) if separator is NoValue: ret = text.split() elif separator: ret = text.split(separator) else: ret = chars(text) return ret
explode = split
[docs]def start_case(text): """Convert `text` to start case. Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to start case. Example: >>> start_case("fooBar") 'Foo Bar' .. versionadded:: 3.1.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return ' '.join(capitalize(word, strict=False) for word in words(text))
[docs]def starts_with(text, target, position=0): """Checks if `text` starts with a given target string. Args: text (str): String to check. target (str): String to check for. position (int, optional): Position to search from. Defaults to beginning of `text`. Returns: bool: Whether `text` starts with `target`. Example: >>> starts_with('abcdef', 'a') True >>> starts_with('abcdef', 'b') False >>> starts_with('abcdef', 'a', 1) False .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) target = pyd.to_string(target) return text[position:].startswith(target)
[docs]def strip_tags(text): """Removes all HTML tags from `text`. Args: text (str): String to strip. Returns: str: String without HTML tags. Example: >>> strip_tags('<a href="#">Some link</a>') 'Some link' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ return re_replace(text, r'<\/?[^>]+>', '')
[docs]def substr_left(text, subtext): """Searches `text` from left-to-right for `subtext` and returns a substring consisting of the characters in `text` that are to the left of `subtext` or all string if no match found. Args: text (str): String to partition. subtext (str): String to search for. Returns: str: Substring to left of `subtext`. Example: >>> substr_left('abcdefcdg', 'cd') 'ab' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.partition(subtext)[0] if subtext else text
[docs]def substr_left_end(text, subtext): """Searches `text` from right-to-left for `subtext` and returns a substring consisting of the characters in `text` that are to the left of `subtext` or all string if no match found. Args: text (str): String to partition. subtext (str): String to search for. Returns: str: Substring to left of `subtext`. Example: >>> substr_left_end('abcdefcdg', 'cd') 'abcdef' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.rpartition(subtext)[0] or text if subtext else text
[docs]def substr_right(text, subtext): """Searches `text` from right-to-left for `subtext` and returns a substring consisting of the characters in `text` that are to the right of `subtext` or all string if no match found. Args: text (str): String to partition. subtext (str): String to search for. Returns: str: Substring to right of `subtext`. Example: >>> substr_right('abcdefcdg', 'cd') 'efcdg' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.partition(subtext)[2] or text if subtext else text
[docs]def substr_right_end(text, subtext): """Searches `text` from left-to-right for `subtext` and returns a substring consisting of the characters in `text` that are to the right of `subtext` or all string if no match found. Args: text (str): String to partition. subtext (str): String to search for. Returns: str: Substring to right of `subtext`. Example: >>> substr_right_end('abcdefcdg', 'cd') 'g' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.rpartition(subtext)[2] if subtext else text
[docs]def successor(char): """Return the successor character of `char`. Args: char (str): Character to find the successor of. Returns: str: Successor character. Example: >>> successor('b') 'c' >>> successor('B') 'C' >>> successor('2') '3' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ char = pyd.to_string(char) return chr(ord(char) + 1)
[docs]def surround(text, wrapper): """Surround a string with another string. Args: text (str): String to surround with `wrapper`. wrapper (str): String by which `text` is to be surrounded. Returns: str: Surrounded string. Example: >>> surround('abc', '"') '"abc"' >>> surround('abc', '!') '!abc!' .. versionadded:: 2.4.0 """ return '{1}{0}{1}'.format(pyd.to_string(text), pyd.to_string(wrapper))
[docs]def swap_case(text): """Swap case of `text` characters. Args: text (str): String to swap case. Returns: str: String with swapped case. Example: >>> swap_case('aBcDeF') 'AbCdEf' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.swapcase()
[docs]def title_case(text): """Convert `text` to title case. Args: text (str): String to convert. Returns: str: String converted to title case. Example: >>> title_case("bob's shop") "Bob's Shop" .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) # NOTE: Can't use text.title() since it doesn't handle apostrophes. return ' '.join(word.capitalize() for word in re.split(' ', text))
[docs]def trim(text, chars=None): r"""Removes leading and trailing whitespace or specified characters from `text`. Args: text (str): String to trim. chars (str, optional): Specific characters to remove. Returns: str: Trimmed string. Example: >>> trim(' abc efg\r\n ') 'abc efg' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.strip(chars)
[docs]def trim_left(text, chars=None): r"""Removes leading whitespace or specified characters from `text`. Args: text (str): String to trim. chars (str, optional): Specific characters to remove. Returns: str: Trimmed string. Example: >>> trim_left(' abc efg\r\n ') 'abc efg\r\n ' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.lstrip(chars)
[docs]def trim_right(text, chars=None): r"""Removes trailing whitespace or specified characters from `text`. Args: text (str): String to trim. chars (str, optional): Specific characters to remove. Returns: str: Trimmed string. Example: >>> trim_right(' abc efg\r\n ') ' abc efg' .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name text = pyd.to_string(text) return text.rstrip(chars)
[docs]def truncate(text, length=30, omission='...', separator=None): """Truncates `text` if it is longer than the given maximum string length. The last characters of the truncated string are replaced with the omission string which defaults to ``...``. Args: text (str): String to truncate. length (int, optional): Maximum string length. Defaults to ``30``. omission (str, optional): String to indicate text is omitted. separator (mixed, optional): Separator pattern to truncate to. Returns: str: Truncated string. Example: >>> truncate('hello world', 5) 'he...' >>> truncate('hello world', 5, '..') 'hel..' >>> truncate('hello world', 10) 'hello w...' >>> truncate('hello world', 10, separator=' ') 'hello...' See Also: - :func:`truncate` (main definition) - :func:`trunc` (alias) .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.0.0 Made :func:`truncate` main function definition and added :func:`trunc` as alias. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) if len(text) <= length: return text omission_len = len(omission) text_len = length - omission_len text = text[:text_len] trunc_len = len(text) if pyd.is_string(separator): trunc_len = text.rfind(separator) elif pyd.is_re(separator): last = None for match in separator.finditer(text): last = match if last is not None: trunc_len = last.start() return text[:trunc_len] + omission
trunc = truncate
[docs]def unescape(text): """The inverse of :func:`escape`. This method converts the HTML entities ``&amp;``, ``&lt;``, ``&gt;``, ``&quot;``, ``&#39;``, and ``&#96;`` in `text` to their corresponding characters. Args: text (str): String to unescape. Returns: str: HTML unescaped string. Example: >>> results = unescape('&quot;1 &gt; 2 &amp;&amp; 3 &lt; 4&quot;') >>> results == '"1 > 2 && 3 < 4"' True .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Moved to :mod:`pydash.strings`. """ text = pyd.to_string(text) return html_unescape(text)
[docs]def unquote(text, quote_char='"'): """Unquote `text` by removing `quote_char` if `text` begins and ends with it. Args: text (str): String to unquote. Returns: str: Unquoted string. Example: >>> unquote('"abc"') 'abc' >>> unquote('"abc"', '#') '"abc"' >>> unquote('#abc', '#') '#abc' >>> unquote('#abc#', '#') 'abc' .. versionadded:: 3.0.0 """ text = pyd.to_string(text) inner = text[1:-1] if text == '{0}{1}{0}'.format(quote_char, inner): text = inner return text
[docs]def url(*paths, **params): """Combines a series of URL paths into a single URL. Optionally, pass in keyword arguments to append query parameters. Args: paths (str): URL paths to combine. Keyword Args: params (str, optional): Query parameters. Returns: str: URL string. Example: >>> link = url('a', 'b', ['c', 'd'], '/', q='X', y='Z') >>> path, params = link.split('?') >>> path == 'a/b/c/d/' True >>> set(params.split('&')) == set(['q=X', 'y=Z']) True .. versionadded:: 2.2.0 """ paths = pyd.chain(paths).flatten_deep().map(pyd.to_string).value() paths_list = [] params_list = flatten_url_params(params) for path in paths: scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(path) query = parse_qsl(query) params_list += query paths_list.append(urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, '', fragment))) path = delimitedpathjoin('/', *paths_list) scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(path) query = urlencode(params_list) return urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
[docs]def words(text, pattern=None): """Return list of words contained in `text`. Args: text (str): String to split. pattern (str, optional): Custom pattern to split words on. Defaults to ``None``. Returns: list: List of words. Example: >>> words('a b, c; d-e') ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> words('fred, barney, & pebbles', '/[^, ]+/g') ['fred', 'barney', '&', 'pebbles'] .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Added `pattern` argument. .. versionchanged:: 3.2.0 Improved matching for one character words. """ return js_match(text, pattern or RE_WORDS)
# # Utility functions not a part of main API # def js_to_py_re_find(reg_exp): """Return Python regular expression matching function based on Javascript style regexp. """ pattern, options = reg_exp[1:].rsplit('/', 1) flags = re.I if 'i' in options else 0 def find(text): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring if 'g' in options: results = re.findall(pattern, text, flags=flags) else: results =, text, flags=flags) if results: results = [] else: results = [] return results return find def js_to_py_re_replace(reg_exp): """Return Python regular expression substitution function based on Javascript style regexp. """ pattern, options = reg_exp[1:].rsplit('/', 1) count = 0 if 'g' in options else 1 ignore_case = 'i' in options def _replace(text, repl): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring return re_replace(text, pattern, repl, ignore_case=ignore_case, count=count) return _replace def delimitedpathjoin(delimiter, *paths): """Join delimited path using specified delimiter. >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '') == '' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.') == '.' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a']) == '.a' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', '.']) == 'a.' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['', '.a', '', '', 'b']) == '.a.b' >>> ret = '.a.b.c.d.e.' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['.a.', 'b.', '.c', 'd', 'e.']) == ret >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a', 'b', 'c']) == 'a.b.c' >>> ret = 'a.b.c.d.e.f' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', ['a.b', '.c.d.', '.e.f']) == ret >>> ret = '.a.b.c.1.' >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', '.', 'a', 'b', 'c', 1, '.') == ret >>> assert delimitedpathjoin('.', []) == '' """ paths = [pyd.to_string(path) for path in pyd.flatten_deep(paths) if path] if len(paths) == 1: # Special case where there's no need to join anything. # Doing this because if path==[delimiter], then an extra delimiter # would be added if the else clause ran instead. path = paths[0] else: leading = delimiter if paths and paths[0].startswith(delimiter) else '' trailing = delimiter if paths and paths[-1].endswith(delimiter) else '' middle = delimiter.join([path.strip(delimiter) for path in paths if path.strip(delimiter)]) path = ''.join([leading, middle, trailing]) return path def flatten_url_params(params): """Flatten URL params into list of tuples. If any param value is a list or tuple, then map each value to the param key. >>> params = [('a', 1), ('a', [2, 3])] >>> assert flatten_url_params(params) == [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3)] >>> params = {'a': [1, 2, 3]} >>> assert flatten_url_params(params) == [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('a', 3)] """ if isinstance(params, dict): params = list(iteritems(params)) flattened = [] for param, value in params: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): flattened += zip([param] * len(value), value) else: flattened.append((param, value)) return flattened